According to the famous saying, “time waits for no one”; this truly motivates me to create adequate time management strategies, especially when I’m having a bad or busy day. I used to be that lady who lay under the duvet and felt overwhelmed by my emotions. I realised that only made things get worse. There is a difference between resting & letting go of your plans temporarily and being overwhelmed by your situation that it takes a toll on you.

One of the many pieces of advice I got during my teen years was “know how to prioritise your task and ask for help; these will save you lots of time”. Prioritisation is a significant key to getting tasks done appropriately, and when you ask for help, the tasks will be easier to accomplish.

As a blogger, business psychologist, wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend (among other things), these are the ways I wear many hats and still have some alone time.
  1. Shopping:

⁃ Do major shopping at midnight in 24/7 supermarkets or mornings to avoid the crowd and long queue at the counter

⁃ Buy food items in bulk for the month this way, and cooking will be easier; you won’t go grocery shopping often

⁃ When I don’t have change, I pay with my card, especially if the cashier doesn’t have change as well.

⁃ On a queue in the supermarket? I check up on people who’ve been on my mind for a while.

2. Blogging & Coaching:

⁃ Write blog ideas as soon as I have them.

⁃ Schedule photoshoot sessions.

⁃ Have a specific time for coaching new bloggers.

⁃ Monitor how often I spend time on social media then adjust it to create time for better things.

⁃ When using public transportation, I complete some tasks on my phone. For instance, I edit videos and pictures on my phone.

3. Family:

⁃ Organise play dates for my son.

⁃ Ask for help when confused or stressed out.

⁃ Have a schedule even if I don’t stick to it every day, it makes me know what to look forward to.

⁃ Have a meal plan; that way, I know what to cook for the week.

⁃ Check-in online with travelling.

⁃ Since I don’t drive, I avoid going out during the rush hour; however, when it is necessary for me to be out, I use the train or abra ride because these are the fastest means of transportation during the rush hour.

⁃ Prepare food in large quantities for the week.

In conclusion, if you are a new blogger, there’s a lot you’ll need to do in addition to leading your life in a positive direction. I hope this post motivates you to manage your time wisely.

If you love this blog, kindly share the posts with your friends and loved ones. It will mean a lot to me to know your thoughts in the comments. Love, Grace

About The Author


  1. What an amazing and useful article!

  2. […] What happens when I get a full-time job? Will I stop blogging then?If you genuinely don’t want to quit blogging, you’ll need to find a way to make it work. Click on the link to know how to manage your time as a blogger. […]

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is a wife and mom currently living in the UAE. She has several years of experience in Business Psychology and Content Creation and enjoys sharing her thoughts on fashion, family, career and much more.

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