Someone suggested this topic and asked some interesting questions. I guess this topic is long overdue because I’ve been asked this a couple of times, and finally, I’m writing about it 🙂 

1. Why did you decide to live in Dubai? 
I chose to attend a British university in the UAE (instead of going to the UK) because:
– I am allergic to the cold; even the winter period in the UAE is a big deal to me. I’m allergic to pollen grains (hay fever); I noticed that I don’t have those allergies in the UAE. I take my health seriously.- Of the wide range of opportunities here: to learn different languages, cultures, skills, etc 
My husband and I first met in school (September 2016, started dating in September 2017 and got married in September 2018); we felt moving here will be more convenient for us. 

2. What were your expectations?
I didn’t really have expectations other than to focus on completing my master’s degree (I could be a nerdy sometimes). 

3. What were your major challenges?
Phew! Master’s aint a bachelor’s degree, I had to study a lot. Another major challenge I faced was not using my Nigerian ATM card (MasterCard) due to the ban placed on it in 2016. When I visited the UAE in 2015, I could use it, but unfortunately, there was a ban in 2016. Then, it was difficult for me (as a Nigerian) to open an account…., I’ll end the discussion there. 

4. What do you love about Dubai?
– I love the weather (I have the explanation all figured out in my head, but you may not understand). – I love the fact that it focuses on innovation and creativity.- It’s a multi-cultural city.- Some unique and creative infrastructure. – The fact that it isn’t so far from other emirates.- Easy access to transportation.- I can leave the city for a month and come back to so many new sky scrappers.- The serenity of some places in the city.- It promotes sustainability.- Indian food.- It’s just a home away from home.

5. What should people be careful about?
It’s important to know most of the rules, if not all, to avoid the penalty. 
– There are designated sections in public for ladies, so guys, be watchful.- Breastfeeding isn’t allowed in public.- Be sure you are in the right cabin when using the metro.

6. What should job seekers do in Dubai?
I wrote some UAE Job search tips a few weeks ago. You can check it out HERE.
I’d love to read about your UAE experience.

If you love this blog, kindly share the posts with your friends and loved ones. It will mean a lot to me to know your thoughts in the comments. Love, Grace

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is a wife and mom currently living in the UAE. She has several years of experience in Business Psychology and Content Creation and enjoys sharing her thoughts on fashion, family, career and much more.

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