One of the courses I took during my Master’s program in Business Psychology was Coaching Psychology. The course gave me a clearer career path and niche because I realized how much coaching could improve people’s lives.

When I graduated, I worked as an Organization Coach and also organized Individual coaching sessions; my coaching sessions were centred around:
– Team management. – Goal setting.- Personal leadership. – Skill development. – Talent management. – Self-improvement. 

Before starting my coaching business, I was amazed at how the coaching course I took in school improved my overall well-being; you can’t give what you don’t have. As I gradually worked on myself, I was better at coaching my clients. Personally, I was able to:
1. Control my thoughts. 
2. Understand the consequences of negative emotions.
3. Compartmentalize my priorities. 
4. Manage my emotions.
5. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
6. Aware of what I can and can’t control.
7. Appreciate each day as it comes.
8. Practice mindfulness.
9. Sleep better by meditating on good things.
10. Know I can’t control what people think about me; I can only control how I react to their thoughts.
11. Allow only positivity in my life in what I see, read, hear and feel.

In summary, I benefited a lot from my degree- careerwise and in my personal life.
Over to you, how has your degree(s) improved your mental health?

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is a wife and mom currently living in the UAE. She has several years of experience in Business Psychology and Content Creation and enjoys sharing her thoughts on fashion, family, career and much more.

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