The importance of getting a good sleep can’t be overemphasized. According to Thomas Dekker, “sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together”. My battle with insomnia started about 6

years ago. Unfortunately, it got worse after having a baby. Because of that, I spoke to my doctor about it, and she shared some tips that have improved my sleep pattern. I also got some tips from my friends, and honestly, it’s been helpful. 

I’m currently reading a book by Rohan Gunatillate- 24-hour mindfulness. It teaches how to control the mind during chaotic and mundane times. One of the chapters emphasizes the role mindfulness plays during bedtime. Although it seems like a contradicting statement, I can say there’s whole wisdom in it after reading the chapter. According to the writer, “A quiet mind not only makes it easier to go to sleep, but it can also improve the quality of sleep. How we go to sleep affects how we sleep. How we sleep affects how we wake up. How we wake up affects how our day plays out”. You can download the book HERE.

Below are the tips and essential items used by people to have a restful and refreshing sleep.

1. Sleep in a dark room by turning off the light and using dark curtains.

2. Have a special essential oil for bedtime; this helps to train your sense of smell to associate the essential oil with sleep or rest.

3. Wear a comfortable eye mask to shield sun rays of light from your eyes. 

4. Avoid long naps during the day. 

5. White noise helps my son sleep better, for me, not so much.

6. Listen to peaceful music to calm your mind.

7. Drink something warm (that doesn’t contain caffeine, of course). 

8. Keep your internet devices away from your bed.

9. Have a simple night routine

10. If you live with people, make them aware of your sleep schedule to avoid conflict.

11. Think of positive things before you sleep. According to the Bible verse, Philippians 4:8, Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on such things.

12. Sleep at a comfortable room temperature. 

13. Don’t self medicate. 

14. If it is chronic, see a neurologist. 

In conclusion, a good rest can improve your physical and mental health.

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is a wife and mom currently living in the UAE. She has several years of experience in Business Psychology and Content Creation and enjoys sharing her thoughts on fashion, family, career and much more.

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