Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or a newbie, there’s always a new phase that’ll make you develop blogging fears. Usually, the majority of bloggers that experience these fears are beginners for apparent reasons.
I’ve been blogging for more than six years, so I understand when new bloggers talk about their fears. No matter how trivial or severe your blogging fears are, the ultimate goal for you is to overcome those fears.
The main aim of this post is to answer some of the common fears of new bloggers. Sit tight and set your mind free!

- Will I ever be as good as the famous bloggers?
Darling, first of all, don’t compare yourself to anyone. If there’s one thing I have learned from blogging, it is “BE UNIQUE!” However, you can be inspired by famous bloggers, but stick to your path and forge ahead. - What if I can’t monetize my blog?
If you are just starting your blogging journey, let me say this, as long as you are determined and consistent, you’ll definitely monetize your blog. There are various ways to monetize your blog but for now, concentrate on increasing the content on your blog. - How can I make people interested in my blog?
Okay, let’s speak honestly; content creations isn’t for the weak :). There are various things to consider if you plan to keep your audience entertained. Your blog title should be catchy; secondly, your content should be engaging, relevant, factually, authentic; a little humour won’t hurt. Then you should include a call to action at the end of your article, for instance, if you want your readers to book a coaching session, download your ebook, take a course, comment on your post and so on. Additionally, irrespective of your blog niche, you’ll need to add some creativity to your post; this tip will come in handy during your photoshoot session wink. In summary, your audience will love your blog when you make them love it. - How can I blog consistently?
Consistency and blogging are like twins! To be a consistent blogger, you need to create a schedule. I don’t mean you should blog daily (well, if you can do that, it will be fantastic); I mean you should have a blogging plan and stick to it. As a beginner, your blogging plan should include content development, blog post scheduling, photoshoot sessions, collaboration sessions, and so on. - What if I don’t have the right tools?
For starters, if you have a laptop, internet access and a camera (or a good smartphone), you are good to go. You don’t need a lot of gadgets to make your blog post go viral. - What if I lose interest in blogging along the line?
I can’t predict the future; however, do all you can to avoid quitting in the future. - Won’t people think I’m fake?
Okay, darling, let me tell you this, people gonna be people, you can’t please everyone! so stay true to yourself. Be unapologetically genuine! - How will I explain to my friends that I’m a blogger?
It’s easy, “hey Bob! I’m now a content writer. Would you like to check out my blog?” Okay, just kidding, but that shouldn’t make you scared at all; I mean, if your friends can’t be happy for you, then if you know, you know. - What if I experience writer’s block?
This is most bloggers major fear! Luckily I wrote a blog post about this on my other blog, “how to overcome writer’s block.” Kindly check it out. But hey, even if you find yourself in that situation, relax; it isn’t the end of the world. You’ll get that positive energy to write again. - How will I increase my engagement with my readers?
Once you become a blogger, you’ll need to develop a good marketing strategy. You should create a loop content marketing strategy: begin online, then offline and then back online. This is what I mean. You share your post on various social media platforms (online), then connect with the people you meet daily (offline) and make them view your blog and connect with your own social media (online). This strategy will increase your blog views organically. - How can I be a good blogger when I don’t even know how to start a blog?
Start by saying that I’m a good blogger! On a serious note, proclaim what you want and watch it manifest. Then watch various videos on YouTube on how to start a blog. - What happens when I get a full-time job? Will I stop blogging then?
If you genuinely don’t want to quit blogging, you’ll need to find a way to make it work. Click on the link to know how to manage your time as a blogger. - How do I deal with impostor syndrome?
Experienced bloggers who begin to doubt their skills and creativity for personal reasons ask this question as well as new bloggers. Firstly, my advice is “believe in yourself.” This may sound cliche, but it won’t be easy for others to do the same if you don’t believe in yourself. Secondly, you may need to discuss with a counsellor or therapist to help you overcome the situation. The sessions will help you discover the root cause to know how to deal with it.
In conclusion, if you are interested in starting a blog, don’t let your fears get in the way.
Do you need a free one-hour coaching session to overcome your blogging fears? Feel free to send an email to gracefullifestylee@gmail.com with the subject OVERCOMING BLOGGING FEARS. Chat with you soon!