August Random Q&A: Baby number 2, Dealing with postpartum depression, Hair-making process, Toddler’s daily routine, & more!

Hey dearies, I hope you are doing well? I have been quite busy this week trying to get most of my content from my old blog to this new one; luckily, I am enjoying the process 🙂

So to the main aspect of today’s post, I will answer the most interesting and intriguing questions I was asked last month. You already know I love me some thought-provoking questions 😉. Let’s get right to it.

1. When will y’all be ready for baby number 2?
Haha, honestly, I don’t know 🙂 I’m always asked this question, but tbh right now, we are not ready. I can’t explain how or why we are not, but when the time comes, you will know 🙂 

2.How did you deal with postpartum depression? 
In my case, I had baby blues, but the moment I noticed I was extremely moody for a long period of time, I had to discuss it with my doctor. One of her recommendations was to have a gratitude list or journal. Additionally, being around loved ones improved my mood tremendously. It gets really lonely, especially when my husband travels and I’m alone with our son. However, I don’t think there was a moment it suddenly went away; it was a gradual process that required adequate effort.

3.How did you learn to cook?
I was asked this question some time ago, and I found it hilarious because if you have a Nigerian mom, it will definitely be part of what you are expected to do (love you, mom, 😀).

4.Was it a struggle to wean your son off breastfeeding?
Not at all; he didn’t like it in the first place. Partly my fault because I had to give him formula and breastmilk according to my doctor’s advice; eventually, he preferred the bottle. 

5. Where did you celebrate my birthday?
My husband took me on a date to Atelier M Restaurant, Pier 7, Dubai Marina Mall. I wasn’t expecting an outdoor cosy “party for two”. Although I don’t enjoy being in a restaurant (I’m weird like that), I loved being there with him on my special day.

6. If you hadn’t studied business psychology, what would have been your options?
I probably would have studied astronomy (haha, in my dreams). Okay, on a serious note, I would have studied clinical psychology.

7. How do you care for your hair?
I usually braid my hair by myself. I love simple cornrow styles and big braids because I take long walks in the evening, and you know how the heat can be in the UAE during the summer. Asides from that, they are easy & fast to braid. Although I make my hair whenever my toddler is awake because you gotta sleep when the baby sleeps, but when I can’t, I call someone to help a sister out.

8.Does your toddler have a daily routine? 
Well, he doesn’t have a strict routine, but we try as much as possible to reduce his screen time by getting him more toys, taking him out during the day and at night(when he doesn’t sleep early), allowing him to explore his environment and teaching him how to say simple words.

So, if you were asked these questions, what will your response be? I want to read your answers in the comment section.

If you love this blog, kindly share the posts with your friends and loved ones. It will mean a lot to me to know your thoughts in the comments. Love, Grace

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  1. […] FAQ post. Of course, you’d be asked questions about your decision to start a blog or how your blogging journey has been. In fact, you might be asked other questions that don’t relate to your blog but guess what? Blog about it! Let your readers know the funny, interesting, and weird questions you’ve been asked. […]

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is a wife and mom currently living in the UAE. She has several years of experience in Business Psychology and Content Creation and enjoys sharing her thoughts on fashion, family, career and much more.

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