I gave my son something new today, and this makes me feel like the best mom in the world. Reading my friend’s blog post inspired me to make the broccoli & carrot puree for my son. The puree I made was a little different from what she shared in her blog post.
This is the first time making this puree for him; his favorite is boiled carrot and apple puree; however, he prefers apple and banana smoothies.
I was confident that he would love it, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case; what made him like it eventually was the few spoons of milk I added (did someone say yuck?)

- Broccoli.
- Carrot.
- Boiled egg.
- Corn flour (I almost typed cornrows :-))
- Cut the carrot into large chunks.
- Boil the broccoli and carrot for 5-10 minutes till it is soft.
- Boil the cornflour for 8 minutes
- Boil an egg
- Blend the cornflour pap, egg, broccoli, and carrot till it is smooth.
- Serve with milk (optional)
The benefit of this puree is that broccoli and carrot contain Vitamin C, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, and zinc.

You might argue that the nutrients in the vegetables get destroyed when boiled; according to liveinhomecare.com, ‘carrots provide more antioxidants when boiled or steamed than when eaten raw, according to a January 2008 report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.’
If you’ve given your toddler this puree, did they like it?
Let me know any puree/smoothie recommendations in the comments.
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