Writer’s block is one of the most discussed issues in the “blogging world”.
Fret not! For I, too, have had my fair share of the writer block fever. In fact, I salute bloggers who haven’t experienced it.
I have been sharing blogging tips for a couple of months now, but today’s post is just for lifestyle bloggers.
You may ask, “why am I focusing on lifestyle bloggers”? The truth is, lifestyle blogging is a popular blog niche that combines a few niches that you are passionate about and an expert in.
Blogging Related Post: How to improve your writing skills.
There are various secrets, tips and ideas for overcoming writer’s block on the Internet, and I can assure you, most of those suggestions are absolutely right. It all depends on what works best for you.
So, if you are feeling some writer’s block, here are six tips to help you generate fresh content. Hopefully, these ideas will inspire you to get back to your gadget and start blogging again!

Lifestyle Blogging: 6 Ways To Overcome Writer’s Block.
1. Don’t force yourself to write. Rather practice mindfulness. For instance, if your lifestyle blog is about fashion, family, and health, don’t beat yourself up if you’ve got no idea what to pen down; instead, do something related to your blog niche. You’d be surprised how many topics you’d generate.
2. Offer advice. Contrary to the first point. When you experience writer’s block, that will be an excellent time to write about any advice you’ve got. That humble period will make you reflect on the past, how you overcame specific issues and so on. You might want to share that with your audience.
3. Talk about it. Sharing your issues with people who can help is important. They may suggest topics for you to write about or discuss random things that you’d build upon later for a post
4. Connect with other lifestyle bloggers. This will be the perfect time to send out collaboration emails.
5. Do a survey. Ask your audience questions related to your blog. Then turn it into a blog post and keep the participants’ identities anonymous.
6. Declutter. Again, this is similar to the first point, but this time, you’re not living in a “blogging moment”; instead, you are decluttering. There’s something special about letting go of the things you don’t need and reminiscing – how you got it, people involved, and so on. Your audience won’t mind reading one of those memorable stories as long as there is something impactful your audience can gain from the story. (well, you could write a fun story anything, be flexible in your approach). You can start by decluttering your closet, fridge, living room and workspace.
In summary, don’t let the fear of writer’s block keep you from blogging.
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