Hey darlings, I hope you are doing great? I know I haven’t been keeping you guys updated with fashion tips, places of attraction in the UAE, and blogging information for beginners. A lot has been going on, firstly, I took a break to unwind, unlearn & relearn some habits, enhance my baking skills, take some short courses and celebrate the birthday of my son. I can’t believe he is three years already.
Disclaimer: I may drift off this July post to another topic once or twice (or thrice) in this post, so be prepared to deal with my clumsiness 🙂
We are both July babies (hence our boundless joviality) therefore every year, I focus more energy on making sure he enjoys his day while I make resting my priority on my birthday.

Last year, I shared a post on how I spent less and enjoyed more on my son’s frugal birthday party but this year, he celebrated his birthday in school… I know, right! He is a proud preschooler; how time flies.
Permit me to throw this little gist; On the first day of preschool, he cried for about an hour but the next day, he spent half of the time crying, and the other half trying to figure out what to play with in his new school.
Sorry for that distraction. He celebrated his 3rd birthday in school with his friends, at home with my friends, and the Dubai Festival City Mall.

Alas, the year of the ‘terrible two’ is finally over; indeed, it was a roller coaster ride. I believe when a toddler turns two, people refer to the age as “terrible two” years because, at that age, the toddler:
– Becomes more self-aware.
– Tries to communicate his needs in the best way he can, but the adult might not understand.
– Explores various options to handle a situation.
– Discovers his shadow and can do a shadow dance in the most dangerous place
– Jumps on the bed with no intention.
– Runs wild and crazy in busy places without heeding the warnings of adults. The list goes is endless.

Oh, did I mention I turned a year older three days after my son’s birthday?
Drifting again :), before I gave birth to him, my gynaecologist wanted me to wait a few days so we can share the same birthday and I declined that suggestion because I wanted him to have his day. I am glad I made that decision 🙂
Anyway, the main event of the month is over, so expect more from me in the coming months.
Oh by the way guys, I’ve got good news to share. I will blog about it in a few weeks so watch this space 🙂 .
Yours gracefully,