I’m beyond excited to share this blog post with you. Indeed this month is one of the best so far! I collaborated with an extraordinary lady to bring you some essential tips on self-improvement. This post contains our views on self-improvement and how it can be achieved but before we delve into the details of the day, let’s meet my partner in success.
About Abida Islam Progga.
She’s currently a college student who works part-time as a blogger; she’s extremely passionate about blogging. Her passions include blogging, writing and reading about personal development. Her reason for blogging is to share her ideas with the world. She draws inspiration from her aunt, a psychologist, who continually motivates her.

Below are her views on self-improvement: How to be a better version of yourself.
1. Improve yourself a little daily.
As humans, we can never be a perfectionist and even can’t change our lives within a day or a month. Eventually, the only practical way we can ever use to be the best version of ourselves is to improve ourselves a little every day and work every day to reach our goals. It doesn’t matter how slow your growth is, but for being the best version of yourself, you must understand the value of having small steps. By improving yourself a little every day, slowly but surely, you will reach your goals and feel proud of yourself one day.
2. Visualize your future self:
Visualizing your future self means imagining the person you want to be in the future. We all used to dream of a life with the perfect lifestyle. When you visualize that ideal lifestyle, you gain inspiration out of it. Even though motivation is not the only pivotal element, but after all, it plays a significant role and helps you a lot to reach your goals and have the perfect life that you dreamed of one day.
3. Stop procrastination and time-wasting:
One of the biggest obstacles you can ever face while being the best version of yourself is procrastination and time-wasting. In the internet-based generation, it’s such a doddle to have distractions and get distracted from your goal. So always be aware of it. If you waste your time for the little enjoyment today, then maybe you will have to pay later for it by sacrificing your dream.
4. Face your fears:
Tones of people sacrifice their dreams only for being afraid of facing their fears. Your fears are like your boundaries. If you want to get over a high hill, you will have to face it first and then climb it. Your fears are also like the high, strong hills. Do face your concerns, then get over them and continue your journey of being the best version of yourself.
5. Stop the negative self-talk:
Negative self-talk is an inner dialogue you have with yourself that may limit your ability to believe in yourself and your skills and reach your potential. Negative self-talk stops you from bringing positive changes in your life and downgrades your self-confidence. So never have negative self-talks anyway.
6. Turn your ‘should’ into ‘must’:
The word ‘must’ is always stronger than ‘should’. To be the best version of yourself, you must bring some changes in your life that cannot always be comfortable for you to do. For instance, maybe you’re a procrastinator, now you’re saying to yourself, “I should stop time-wasting.” It means it’s essential to do. But instead, when you say, “I must stop procrastinating”, then it means that it’s entirely crucial to do, and you do not have any way without doing this. Turning your ‘should’ into ‘must’ changes your mindset utterly. So obviously, try this method if you want to be the best version of yourself.
Kindly visit her blog for more inspirational blog posts. https://trueselfgrowth.com

Simple ways to become a better version of yourself.
- Developing healthy habits. Becoming a better version of yourself starts with the healthy choices you make. Some healthy habits that can propel you towards your goal include eating right, staying fit, going for regular checkups in the hospital, avoiding negative conversations.
- Help others in little ways. I have realized how impacting it is to render help. I don’t mean only financially but helping someone in little ways like opening the door, picking something, holding them up when they are about to fall, and so on. This makes me divert my attention from my situation to someone else’s and in turn, I feel a little better that I helped someone.
- Don’t be afraid to seek help. You can’t do it all by yourself. For you to take those necessary steps in improving your confidence, esteem, and so on, you’ll need the help of others either a counselor, mentor, or someone need. If you want to achieve your self-improvement goals, don’t be afraid to ask questions.
- Read inspirational books. The tales of others can inspire you to get on with those goals you’ve abandoned because you thought you’ve failed or no one believes in you.
- Watch nonfiction motivational movies. Something is intriguing about watching motivational movies. Seeing those characters play specific roles that resonate with your situation could make you say “if they can, then I can”
- Develop new skills. How else can you aim for a better version of yourself if you don’t develop the necessary skills? Various soft skills can help you achieve your goal such as conflict management, communication, time management, and so on.
In summary, self-improvement doesn’t happen in one day; therefore, you will need to be persistent and determined to achieve your goal.
Thank you for reading this blog post. I hope you loved our collaboration? I’d like to know what you think about self-improvement in the comment section.
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