Has the thought of writing 500-1000 words made you give up on your blogging dreams? Content writing was never my strong suit, in fact, I always avoided anything that would make me write essays when I was in high school, but there were times I couldn’t dodge the bullet.
The past few years has taught me that if I can’t “beat my fear of writing”, then I can “choose a writing style to be comfortable with”. I became more aware of my interest in storytelling and motivational writing during my master’s degree when I took a course in Coaching Psychology.
Below are the ways I improved my writing skills.

The following tips are based on my blogging experience and general knowledge.
- Choose a niche: If writing isn’t your forte, perhaps, you may think blogging is stressful. Don’t worry; I am positive that you have other skills that can inspire you to blog. One of the most creative ways to show the world your skills is by writing. So you can agree with me that it is necessary to improve your writing skills? Having a niche blog will enable you to develop content, provide solutions to problems and write more!
- Boost your typing speed and accuracy: My mom came through for me years ago. She got the Mavis Beacon Program, and it improved my typing speed and accurac. As a content writer, there are various benefits of improving your typing speed and accuracy. For instance, you’ll be in a state of flow, submit articles earlier (if you are working for a company), publish blog posts regularly, and so on.
- Read what you’ve written out loud: I’m that lady that would write what comes to her mind and get embarrassed if she doesn’t read it aloud before posting it. It is advisable to read out loud (not beneath your breath) what you’ve written so you won’t confuse your readers. For example, I may write, “god day, my dear readers, I hope you are doing well”, and feel proud of myself until a sweet message from an ardent reader pops up to inform me that I have successfully referred to my viewers as “god”. Of course, you may occasionally make this kind of mistake, but reading aloud (and installing Grammarly app) can help reduce such errors.
Related: What to know before working from home.
4. Challenge yourself: So, you haven’t created a blog, but you want to learn how to write long articles? Start by writing about anything that seems interesting to you. You can do this by:
• Journaling- writing about your days.
• Writing letters to your friend will improve your storytelling skills as a writer.
• Write about what’s going on around you.
The goal is to increase your word count daily.
5. Use specific vocabulary when writing professional articles. When I worked in Dubai as a content writer for a real estate firm and marketing agency, it was challenging because I had to unlearn some words and replace them with technical terms. Google was my best friend that period. Contrarily, when writing a generic blog post, you don’t need to be condescending to prove your point; pleonasm won’t make your article look perfect. Convey your message using simple terms that your readers can easily understand.
6. Follow other bloggers: Do you have a niche blog? Follow other blogs and learn their writing style. By doing this, you will eventually find your writing style.
I want to emphasize this: I don’t mean you must write in the English Language. For a better blogging experience, you can decide to write in your native language. The primary purpose of this post is to make you understand various ways to improve your writing skills and pass a clear message to your readers in any language of your choice.
In summary, it’s important to note these essential tips to become an exceptional content writer; message clarity, writing style, content relevance, and language consistency.
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